Ashley WordPress Theme Documentation

We strongly request you to check the installation video above and also go through this easy and detailed instruction which will answer most of your questions.

If you have some issues that are beyond this instruction, please feel free to contact us via our Support Page. Our average response time is around 12 – 36 hours on weekdays.

Theme Overview

  • Theme Version: 1.0.1
  • Theme Last Update: 2022, March 08
  • Theme Create Date: 2021, March 01
  • Get Support: Create a Ticket

If you like this theme, Follow/Subscribe us:

Installing the Theme

After you purchase, you will get the download link to your Email. Go to that link and download the file to your computer

1. If you purchase the Theme from our website (, you will get the installable WordPress theme ( ZIP file only.

2. If you purchase the theme from other marketplaces, you will get a Zip folder (, which you will need to unzip first. After unzipping this zip file, you will find the installable WordPress theme ( ZIP file and other related files/folders inside it.

Now you need to install the theme file You can install the theme in a couple of ways.

1. Install via WordPress

  • Log in to your WordPress admin area
  • Browse to Appearance > Themes
  • Click on Add New

Step 01:

  • Click Upload
  • Browse and select the theme zip file from your computer to upload

Step 02:

  • Now you see, the theme is installed
  • Now Click Activate to activate the theme

Step 03:

2. Install via FTP

You can also install the Theme via FTP and here it is goes:

  • Connect to your server through FTP or SFTP, by using an FTP client like FileZilla.
  • Find the WordPress installation root folder.
  • Browse to the “/wp-content/themes/” folder.
  • Unzip/extract the theme file that is in your PC and upload the folder ewa-ashley-theme there
  • Login to your WordPress admin area and go to Appearance > Themes to activate the EWA Ashley theme.

Check out the guide on for more information.

Load the Demo Data

Ashley comes with One-Click Demo import features to make your customization super easy. After installing the theme you need to do the following for demo data to import (please check the attached screenshots to understand better)

1. Click On Begin Installing Plugins.

Step 01:
Begin Installing Plugins

2. Check all and select Install from the dropdown and then click on Apply button.

Step 02:

3. After Successfully Installed all Plugins you will see the message Return to Required Plugin Installer and click on it.

ashley return to plugin

4. Check all and select Activate from dropdown and then click on Apply button.

Step 03:

5. After Successfully activated all Plugins you will see the message Return to the Dashboard and click on it.

Step 04:
Return Dashboard

6. Go Appereance > Import Demo Data and then click on Import Demo Data button.

Step 05:
Import Demo Data

Please wait and DON’T CLOSE TAB/WINDOW before importing data. it will take few minutes and depends on you Internet Speed.

importing data

7. After Successfully Imported all data you will see this message That’s it. all done! now please visit your website front page and it will look like the Preview. Enjoy! Now edit/update the pages with your own content.

Step 06:
ashley sucessful import

Set Up Theme Menus

To edit the Menus, go Appereance > Menus and Edit/Update your Menus the way you want.

Primary Menu: is the main theme Menu that is showing to the header across all the theme post/pages.

Footer Menu: is the secondary theme Menu that is showing to the footer across all the theme post/pages

Theme Options

Ashley WordPress theme comes with lots of admin options, Go to Appearance > Ashley Options from the left panel and you’ll see all the cool things you can customize to suite your needs

From changing the Logo to styling Navigation, Footer, Header etc – You can just do these with a mouse click

Edit Pages

Ashley comes with Elementor Page Builder. This amazing page builder got its highest ranking on WordPress within a very short time, with a 5+ million active installation.

Including our premium 10+ custom widgets (More will be adding frequently) provided by the Ashley theme, you will have 40+ widgets and elements to choose from.

If you want to edit or create a page, then all you need to do is “Edit with Elementor” button to edit the page.

To edit pages

Click on any block on the page, the input field will appear on the left, you can edit content, change the color from there. Or if requires create new sections, block and edit them. You can see the changes in real-time like you are creating a masterpiece with zero coding skills required.

ashley edit pages

Home Page Details


Let’s start with the first section of your home page known as the Hero or intro section. You can change the contents and images according to your preferences. Just click on the hero section and the input fields will appear on the left side of the Elementor editor.

Ashley WordPress Theme Home Hero

Under the Style tab, you can change some styling of the content.

Ashley Feminine WordPress Theme Hero Style

Here, this image is coming from the Elementor section. Click the edit section button and select the style tab. Now you can change the image and other styling property from the left menu of the Elementor.

Ashley WordPress Coach Theme Hero Section Image


Moving to the about section, you can change the content and styling by clicking on the about section.

About Content of WordPress blog theme

About Style


The next section is the blog, where you can show your posts. This first post is the featured post. If you select the Stick to the top option from post edit view. Then this post will appear here.

Blog Featured Post Ashley WordPress Theme

Featured Post Setting of Ashley WordPress theme

Here the tab one total posts and tab two total posts are the total number of trendy and recent posts that you want to show on this section.

Ashley Blog Theme Total post

On this button, you can link to any of your posts/pages, but the standard will be to link your blog page here.

Blog Button Ashley WordPress blog theme

The post’s source is the slug of the categories that you want to show here. You can leave it empty if you want to show posts from all Categories.

Blog Post Source - Ashley WordPress Theme for Bloggers

You will find these categories slugs on the categories page on the WordPress admin panel.

Post Categories Slugs - WordPress Dashboard

If you wish to show posts from different categories, just put the slugs separated by a comma. And the Style Tab has some content styling.

Blog Style - Elementor Section of Ashley WordPress theme

My Offer:

Let’s move to my offer section. Here click on the add item button to add the accordion content.

My Offer Section - Ashley WordPress theme

Under this style tab, you can make some styling changes to my offer texts.

My Offer Style - Ashley WP Theme


For the Newsletter section, you have to enter the MailChimp form id using shortcode widgets of Elementor.

Newsletter short code - Ashley WordPress theme

You will find this form id from the WordPress admin panel’s MailChimp forms page.

Mailchimp ID - Ashley WordPress Blog Theme


Please check the documentation tab Connect Instagram Feed first. The follow these steps.

To show the Instagram Feed, you have to enter the shortcode that you will find under the display your feed tab on the Instagram Feed settings page.

Instagram Setting - Ashley WordPress Theme for Blogger

We are using the shortcode option [instagram-feed] to show the feed and the other shortcode options are for design purposes.

Instagram - Ashley WordPress Theme

About Page Details

You’re About Me page is one of the most important pages on your website. Here you get the chance to tell your visitor who you are, what you do, how you do.

Let’s quickly go through the different sections of the About Me page.
The page starts with a simple intro section. If you click on the intro section you can change the image and content from the left panel of the Elementor dashboard.

About Intro Elementor - WordPress Theme

This image is coming from the Elementor section. You can find the image and its setting under the style of the edit section menu.

About Section Image

Moving to the next section, here Elementor basic built-in widgets like image, heading, text editor, etc were used to display the content.

About Built in Widgets - Elementor

You can add more widgets by using the search box of the Elementor left menu.

About Widgets Search - Ashley WordPress Theme

There are two sidebars widgets on this page. One is for your Pinterest Feed and the other one is for placing Advertisements.

For the Pinterest feed to show, go to this Pinterest API link, put your profile URL on the field Pinterest user URL. It will give you a code. You will use this code to show the feed on your website. Just copy and paste this code to an HTML Code Widget and it will display your Pinterest Feed.

Siderbar Pinterest

Lastly, the Advertisement sidebar widget. You can use an Elementor Image Widget to show as advertisement.

Blog Page Details

Blog page posts are coming from widget.

Ashley WordPress Theme Blog

Blog Three - Ashley WP  Theme

To set the widget setting go to the appearance from the dashboard and click on widgets.

WordPress Widget

Now find the sidebar Blog Page Content from the sidebar area and click on this to see the widget Ashley Post Feed.

WordPress Sidebar

After you import the demo data the widget Ashley Post Feed will appear automatically here. But if it does not appear here you can easily add this from the available widgets area.

By clicking into the widget and select the Blog Page Content from the options, now click this add widget button.

WordPress Widget Adding

If you click on the widget, you can edit some of the content settings. Here grid-thumbnail is the template which we are using to display the blog page content, and you can also set the initial post amount to load in the next option.

Ashley Post Feed Add

You can also exclude the categories id of the post here with a minus sign separated by a comma. Lastly, if you want a load more button, mark this option. Also sets an offset amount which means the number of posts will load in every click on the load more button.

Ashley Post Feed Widget Settings

Service Page Details

The service page contains some images of your services, a short intro about your services, a list of the services you offer, a testimonial, and a Call To Action Section.


For the first image section, we have used the Elementor built-in image widgets. If you click on the edit image button, you can change the images and their styling under the content and style tab from the left Elementor panel.

Service Image Ashley

Service Image Style Ashley

My Services:

In this My Services section, you can give a short intro about your services. Just click on the section and the input fields will be appearing at the left panel of the Elementor.

My services Ashley

You can link the list of this page Services to this Icon putting the Section ID.

My services button Ashley WordPress Theme Documentation


Moving to the service section where you can add your services by clicking on add item button.

Services Ashley WP Theme


Let’s move to the Testimonial section. Here you can add success stories from real people that have worked with your business in the past to sell the value of your services. Click on add item button to add your past success stories.

Testimonial section Ashley WP Theme

Under this style tab you will find some styling elements of your testimonial widgets.

Testimonial Style

Call To Action:

Now that you have highlighted your services and success stories, the very last section should include a converting call to action. If you click on the CTA section, you can change the content and its style as your need from the left panel of the Elementor.

CTA Ashley WP Theme

CTA Style Ashley WP Theme

Contact Page Details

Contact Form:

Contact page’s Contact form is coming from the plugin Contact Form 7 by using the form shortcode into a Shortcode widget.

Contact form Ashley WP Theme

You will find this shortcode from the contact menu of the dashboard and by clicking the contact forms.

Contact Form Menu

At the bottom of the page, you will find the contact form shortcode. Use this shortcode to display the form on your website.

Contact Form Shortcode

Lastly, the contact page comes with an FAQ section. To edit the FAQ content click on the section and input fields will appear on the left panel.

FAQ Ashley WordPress Theme

Now, click on this add items button to add accordion items according to your preferences.

FAQ Add Item Ashley

And under this style tab, you will find some styling property of this FAQ section.

FAQ Style Ashley

Connect Instagram Feed

After you importing the Demo Data, you will not see the Instagram Feed on your Frontpage. It is because you will need to connect your Instagram account. Here is the step by step process.

1. First, login to your Facebook, why? It is needed as Facebook and Instagram are using the same shared API

2. From the WordPress dashboard, go to Instagram Feed > Settings.

Ashley Instagram Feed

3. Click Connect an Instagram account.

Ashley Instagram Feed

4. Select Personal or Business (the one your account type is) and then click Connect

Ashley Instagram Feed

5. If you are already logged to Facebook, You will now see Your Facebook account name. Please click on it. If you are not logged in, then it will ask you to log in. So, login please.

Ashley Instagram Feed

6. Now Check your Instagram account and click Connect Accounts. Thats all, you now check and your Instagram Feed will show on the page

Ashley Instagram Feed

Connect Mailchimp Newsletter

Mailchimp newsletter has been integrated with our theme. If you want to collect the email addresses of your future clients, you can use this feature. For this, You need to have a Mailchimp account and need to connect it with your website Newsletter plugin.

1. Login to your Mailchimp account and then collect the Mailchimp API Key.

2. Go to WordPress dashboard and then click on Mailchimp. Put your API Key there and Save Changes

ashley mailchimp setup

3. If you go to the Mailchimp Settings tab, you will see some advanced settings. Our theme demo data has comes with all settings, so you probably don’t need this. But still, if you want some advanced settings, you can do it. Also, you can get the form shortcode here which you can use in any pages, or widgets to show the form there. This is a very cool feature!

Ashley newsletter Mailchimp Form

3. If you go to the Mailchimp Fields tab, you will see the Newsletter HTML form. Please do not edit it, otherwise, your form style may break. But of course, if you have basic HTML knowledge, you can tweak it. Also, you can use your own custom Mailchimp Form HTML code here or add your Mailchimp extra fields if needed.

Ashley newsletter Mailchimp Form

3. If you go to the Mailchimp Messages tab, you will see all the messages, related to your newsletter form. For example, you can put your custom messages when a user Subscribe and so on. Feel free to edit those.

Ashley newsletter Mailchimp Form

Install Child Theme

The good thing about our theme is, we also provide a child theme. So, you don’t need to create it but can use it right away.

Do not write/edit Parent theme’s CSS, JS, PHP files. Because this way you will lose changes during the Theme update as it will replace the parent theme files. If you want to customize the theme’s CSS, JS, PHP files Instead do the following:

After installing parent theme ( and importing the Demo data, install (the same way you installed the parent theme.) the child theme ( that is included in the download and activate it. This way you will not lose any changes when we update the parent theme (

See the official details docs about child theme.

How to Translate

A very cool feature – Ashley comes with Translation files, so you can translate the string into your own language.

By default when you select the language (for example, French) from the Dashboard (Settings->General), the WordPress dashboard language changes automatically.

Ashley Theme language

But for theme String, you have the freedom to choose your own translated text.

Here we demonstrated this on our Amanda WordPress theme, but you can follow the same for the Ashley WordPress theme. Here is the VIDEO TUTORIAL or just follow the following procedure.

Install Loco Translate plugin.

Activate it.

Go to Loco translate -> Themes and then click on EWA Amanda (in this case it is EWA Ashley).

Copy the already available English translation by Click on Copy.

Select French (in your case, it is the one you want) and keep other default settings and click on Start Translating.

For example, we want to translate the Load more text that is in the theme.

Go back and search for the text “load more”, and you will see the available French translation field.

Write the translation of “load more” to the French translation field.

Now, if you change the site language (Settings->General) to French by selecting from the Dropdown and Save changes.

Go to your front page, and refresh. It now shows your translated text.

Similarly, you can change the other string.

And they will change.

So you need to repeat this process if you want more text to be translated.

How to Upgrade Theme

The good thing about our Theme is we regularly update our theme to make it compatible with the latest WordPress, bug-free and secure. When we release a new version, you should update it.

NOTE: We recommend you to keep the backup of your modified files of the Theme if you did any (However, you should not edit Parent-theme files. If you need editing, we already provided you the child Theme. Install the Child theme we provided, so you don’t lose any changes during the Parent-theme updates. See the “Install Child Theme” section above to know more).

Here how you can update the theme.

1. If you buy the theme from our website, you’ll have the option to update the theme with one click from the WordPress dashboard.

2. If you buy the theme from other market places, then you can update the theme in two ways.

a) One way is to use “Easy Theme and Plugin Upgrades”.

To update the theme you can follow the steps.

  • Download Easy Theme and Plugin Upgrades plugin and install it in your site.
  • Choose the theme file (e.g., and click Install Now button.
  • It will automatically install the new theme, and backup the old theme, and give you a link to download the backup.
  • Make sure that your theme is active.

Before updating the theme, we recommend you make a backup of your modified files.

Also, deactivate the current version before uploading the new theme file.

We have used Senior Care WordPress theme to demonstrate the upgrade process. You can follow the same steps to upgrade this theme. Check video tutorial

b) Another way is to Update via FTP.

We have used our Amanda WordPress theme to demonstrate the update process via FTP. You can follow the same steps to upgrade this theme.

First, you need to unzip the updated Theme folder ( on your computer and then

Download an FTP client like Filezilla free version and install it on your computer like regular Software.

After installing Filezilla, open it and you will have the following view

Update Ashley WordPress theme via FTP

Click on File and then Site Manager

Update Ashley WP theme via FTP

Select FTP or SFTP (the type of your host) from the Dropdown, Input your Host, Host username, and Host Password, and click Connect. All these info, you will get from your Hosting provider.


Locate your local theme files/folder from your Computer and also locate your Theme folder on your host.


Select all files/folders from your local “themes/ewa-ashley-theme” and drag and replace these to your Host’s “themes/ewa-ashley-theme” folder. It will take few minutes. That’s it.

ftp transfer

WordPress Basics

WordPress does have a learning curve but it is very easy to get into it. If you are new to WordPress and want to know the basics, like Creating Posts, Managing Categories, Menus, and so on, we prepared (and constantly adding) documentation for that too. Check WordPress basic documentation.

Common Issues

Issue: The package could not be installed.

If you purchase Ashley from other marketplaces than our website and during install, if you get the following error:

“Installing Theme from uploaded file:
Unpacking the package…

Installing the theme…

The package could not be installed. The theme is missing the style.css stylesheet.

Theme installation failed.”


The reason is:

You are trying to install the whole ZIP folder ( which you downloaded. This is wrong.

You need to UNZIP this ZIP folder first. To do so, just right-click on the ZIP folder and then Click Extract Here.

Ashley unzip first

And then you will find the Theme ZIP file “” which you need to install.

Ashley after unzip

So now, if you install, you will not get this error.

Sources and Credits

  1. Slick Slider
  2. Reflexgrid
  3. Images used in the Theme are demo purpose only. Not included with the Theme

Change Log

2022, March 08 – v 1.0.3
– Fixed: Security
– Updated: Compatibility check for WordPress 5.9.X
– Updated: Plugins
– Updated: Theme documentation

2021, October 09 – v 1.0.2
– Fixed: Block widget issue
– Updated: Compatibility check for WordPress 5.8.X
– Updated: Plugins
– Updated: Theme documentation

2021, April 04 – v 1.0.1
– Features: Post Image caption added
– Features: Post Author info section added
– Features: Post Social sharing (facebook, twitter, linkedin, email) option added
– Fixed: Article page SEO title
– Fixed: Post feed widget order by date
– Fixed: Mobile Hamburger
– Fixed: Some style fix and improvement
– Updated: Ashley Elementor Addon to V: 1.0.1
– Updated: Theme Options Panel
– Updated: Theme documentation

2021, March 01– v 1.0.0
– Initial release

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